
Herschel Just Another Republican


Another day, another concerning Herschel Walker headline. According to the New York Times, the U.S. Senate hopeful is under scrutiny for his alleged donations. 

“Mr. Walker, a former football star, pledged that 15 percent of profits [from his food-distribution business] would go to charities, a promise the company said was “part of its corporate charter.” For years, Mr. Walker’s company named four specific charities as beneficiaries of those donations, including the Boy Scouts of America and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. But there is scant evidence that Mr. Walker’s giving matched those promises,” the Times reports.

MSNBC addressed the troubling claim, as well.

“Lying about charitable contributions is definitely a problem, but maybe his supporters will argue that Walker was at least a successful businessman, even if he failed to follow through on his philanthropic commitments? They might, if that were true, but it’s not, “they write.”

Walker, who starred collegiately at Georgia and in the NFL, is now facing major criticism on social media.

Walker is still in decent shape in the polls, as it’s expected to be a tight battle in Georgia.

It remains to be seen if any of these concerning stories will have an effect on his supporters.

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