News, Tenn, Tex

A Tour To Heal America

by Don Mooney 7-14-2023

Memphis, TN—The great American Reconciler, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr paid the ultimate sacrifice in Memphis by peacefully attempting to reconcile the Black and White divide in America. Now 55-years later the completion of that work is more evidently needed as the political state of the United States rings with political hallelujah’s that begat a historic bloodyCivil War.

A tour bus arrived in Memphis this week with a cross-section of people whom, though difficult a task as it seems, express the same desires as was registered by Dr. King. The Racial Healing Of America Revival Tour made its way from Dallas, Texas with its first overnight stop in Memphis on Monday evening. The tour is sponsored by the Carl Spain Center on Race Studies and Spiritual Action. Organized by Memphis’ own Bro. Jerry Taylor. 

The bus unloaded travel-weary passengers for a refresh and reset. Hosted by the Holmes Road Church of Christ the leadership provided some needed nourishment. In return invited members of the community were nourished with enthusiastic service of speakers, singing and general encouragement to the effort and goals of the tour. 

The tour guests come from a range of backgrounds, faiths and destinations. When asked about the rift in this country Marian Hinton from Elmwood Park Church of Christ in Detroit, MI (with roots in Wilson County TN) says, “forces are in play that are ripping us apart again and I think it’s dangerous for our future. “I really believe that the church has a role that it has not been playing and needs to play.” Some who have never met but are reaching across faith and cultural lines to reconcile the rift in America. Some on the tour expressed this country no longer waves the beaconed-banner of freedom. “No we’re not the beacon of freedom. That’s our title, but that’s not who we are,” expressed Michelle from Birmingham, Al, now residing in Houston, TX.  Until we can learn that God is not gon have a Black & White heaven. Because the most segregated time in America is Sunday morning. This trip has to be about love.”

When asked what does he hope to achieve from this trip, Winfred Felton III from Winterville, NC indicated, “the main thing is to transform me even more.” Jared Jamerson from Slaton Baptist Church in Memphis hopes the tour can provide racial healing, better understanding and a word from the Lord. Jameson thinks it’s impossible to be on this trip and not be moved. “What we’re working on here in Memphis is awareness, education and engagement. Everybody is at different places and different levels. For some people on the trip it may be awareness ‘wow… I never knew that! For others it may be a deeper level of education. “ Okay it’s time for me to put my hands too.”

After a night of rest the tour presses forward to Birmingham, Al, Charleston, SC, Raleigh, NC. Nashville, TN. Last stop the National African-American in Washington, DC. Continue to pray for safe travels.

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