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Another South Carolinian Makes It Official

Republican Tim Scott has said the support of his mom and a mentor turned his life around and taught him conservative principles. PHOTO: CAROLINE BREHMAN/SHUTTERSTOCK

by Don Mooney 2-14-2023 4:40 am

As the NFL season come to and end a new season of political football begins training camp.South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott is taking steps to run for president, people familiar with his plans said, adding to the stable of Republicans looking to wrest the party mantle from former President donald Trump. 

Mr. Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate, is testing a message with GOP voters in key early states focused on unity and optimism as some Republicans say it is time to move on from the Trump era. Mr. Trump has announce a bid for president in the 2024 election. 

Jennifer DeCasper, a Scott senior adviser, said he was “excited to share his vision of hope and opportunity and hear the American people’s response.”

What isn’t clear yet, some people close to Mr. Scott acknowledge, is whether the GOP base that enthusiastically embraced Mr. Trump is interested in that message. 

Scott can expect to vote along conservative lines is seeking to position himself as a key GOP player while tough issues are facing this country. Although popular in his South Carolina political biosphere questions arise does he have anything close to the popularity in his ultra-conservative home state.

Axios reports Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado and Rob Collins, a former head of the National Republican Senate Committee as co-chairs of a new super PAC.

Sen. Scott is expected to speak Thursday in his home state at a county GOP dinner celebrating Black History Month—one day after a fellow South Carolina Republican, former Gov. Nikki Haley, announces her own bid.

Tim Scott, yellow tie, tried to work with then-Rep. Karen Bass and Sen. Cory Booker on police-overhaul legislation on Capitol Hill. Photo:Drew Angerer/getty images

Scott grew up poor and struggled in school, said the support of his mom and mento Chick-fil-A operator John Moniz helped turned his life around and taught him conservative principles.

“He truly believes that God is great and America is great and we are provided with incredible opportunities. So I think a Ronald Reagan ‘Morning in America’ hopeful America vision is one that Tim has, lives and breathes and is really needed in our country,” according to Sen. John Barrasso GOP Senate conference chair.

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