
Man seen in photo at violent Charlottesville rally kills self on eve of trial on drug charges

Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, shown at a 2017 alt-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, died by suicide in January, according to a coroner's report.
Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, shown at a 2017 alt-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, died by suicide in January 

by Don Mooney. 2-21-23

The infamous image of a man that became the modern-day face synonymous with hate in America was killed himself last week as he was scheduled for trial on federal charges. Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, 35, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on January 30, according to a report from the Texas County Coroner’s Office Missouri. The very same day Von Nukem was scheduled to be in court in Arizona, facing four counts relating to illegal import and sale of fentanyl.

Von Nukem, 35, was facially profiled across multiple media platforms across the know universe, as a tiki-torch carrying bigot, marching in the violent  “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.

Von Nukem was seen in two famous photos of the alt-right rally, wearing a black shirt in a large group of men chanting and holding tiki torches. He confirmed his identity to the Springfield News-Leader newspaper a week after the rally after being identified online by a former classmate. He told the newspaper he did not consider himself a White supremacist or neo-Nazi, but would not “counter-signal against them.”

Von Nukem failed to show up to court on January 30, with the jury in his drug trial already seated, according to documents from federal court for the District of Arizona. Ten days later, prosecutors filed a motion to dismiss the case “as the defendant is deceased.”

He was found dead in a hay shed on his property in Hartshorn, Missouri, having shot himself with a handgun, the coroner’s report said. Suicide notes were found at the scene, the coroner said.

He is survived by his wife and five children, according to an obituary published by a local funeral home.

The federal prosecutor in Von Nukem’s drug case, Matthew Eltringham, did not respond to CNN’s request for comment Tuesday afternoon.

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