Politics, Tenn

Tennessee Lawmaker Apologizes For Throwback ‘hanging by tree’ Suggestion

Nashville Tennessean

A Tennessee state representative is backpedaling after he suggested adding hanging by tree as a method of execution during discussion this week in Nashville over a bill concerning capital punishment.

Rep. Paul Sherrell, R-Sparta, made the suggestion during the criminal justice committee meeting Tuesday while lawmakers discussed HB1245 an amendment to the bill that would allow for death by firing squad as an execution method in Tennessee.

Tennessee Rep. Paul Sherrell

“I was just wondering, could I put an amendment on that that would include hanging by a tree, also,” Sherrell asked during the meeting Tuesday. He then offered to sign as a co-sponsor to the bill.

Tennessee, like much of the south, has a traumatic history with hangings and particularly lynchings, which often took place publicly and without due process for the victim. tennessee had 236 documented lynchings between 1877 and 1950, though there are likely more unreported cases, according to the Equal Justice Initiative.

The Tennessee Department of Corrections used hanging as its primary method of execution until 1913. There are currently 46 inmates on death row in Tennessee — 45 men and one woman.

On Wednesday, the House Republican caucus press secretary released a statement from Sherrell in which he expressed regret over his “very poor judgement.” “My exaggerated comments were intended to convey my belief that for the cruelest and most heinous crimes, a just society requires the death penalty in kind,” Sherrell said. “Although a victim’s family cannot be restored when an execution is carried out, a lesser punishment undermines the value we place on protecting life.”

Sherrell’s statement continues to say that his suggestion was meant to express support for families of victims. “I sincerely apologize to anyone who may have been hurt or offended,” Sherrell said.

Community speaks out

Community members have voiced their concern over adding a firing squad and hanging to its methods of execution. “A bill calling to expand the death penalty by firing squad, and even lynching, is deplorable, immoral and takes us back to the dark days of Jim Crow,” said Rev. Dr. Kevin Riggs, pastor of Franklin Community Church. “I’m appalled by the words of Representative Sherrell. Suggesting firing squads and lynchings is unconscionable. Tennessee should be moving in the direction of outlawing state sanctioned killings, instead of towards more killings and in more inhumane ways than already exist.”

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