
Orange Mound Community Pay Tribute to Legendary Melrose High School Principal

“During his tenure here at Melrose high school these student athletes and students in general never had to want for anythang. He didn’t mind spending the money on the students here at Melrose high school.” Coach Dorsey Sims

by Don Mooney 6-1-2023

Memphis, TN—Many longtime Melrose High School alumni filled the campus grounds to salute their beloved, longtime principal Lavonne Bridges who passed away this week. Mr. Bridges legacy as educator and principal at Melrose spanned 30-years and the impact was obvious as the grounds were filled with former students displaying shimmering balloons with the schools colors.

Denise Williams- Greene, president of the Melrose Alumni Association of the Memphis Chapter, boasts, “we want people to know there was a great man who served at this institution and he provided nurturing and care also along with academics.

Many of the former students expressed similar sentiments of the man many affectionately called chief. ’77 Melrose graduate Dorsey Sims III chimed in about the contributors to the city who graduated from this “prestigious” institution.

“Chief inspired many students under his leadership that have impacted this city and country immensely in various disciplines. Legal minds, military, medical, financial, social… the list goes on of the people whom have impacting the world that were inspired by Mr. Bridges nurturing and care.”

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