
Sign Of The Times

This Restaurant Is Breaking the Internet With Their Hilarious Signs

yas! | By Jack Lorre | January 23, 2023

This article was originally published on penguinmd.com and has been republished here with permission.

AUSTIN, TX - APRIL 14:  A collage of humorous El Arroyo restaurant signs is displayed at an advertisng agency on April 14, 2017, in Austin, Texas. Austin, the State Capital of Texas, the state
George Rose/GettyImages

The infamous Austin, TX establishment named El Arroyo has been making noise with its signs since opening in 1975. 45 years later, their signs are still putting a smile our faces. Paige Winstanley, co-owner of the restaurant, shared, “In these times when much is unknown, El Arroyo finds comfort in bringing smiles and laughter to our community daily.” Let’s take a look at their best signs.

Life Hack

This sign tells it like it is. Are we the only ones that just sweep it under the rugs? We’re sure everyone’s done this at least one time. You know, when you’re in a rush and need to clean your space quickly, this is not a too bad solution.


But now, more than ever, it’s important to stay clean and take care of ourselves. Bad habits may be pushed into the spotlight, but instead of turning away – try facing them. 

Never-Ending Weekends or Never-Ending Torture?

We’re not sure if they’re happy now. But to those of you who hate long weekends, we’re sure your cursing those who wished for it. Am I right?


This is especially true for people who are busy-bodies. But in general, if you love cooking, this is such a blessing!

Now That’s Punny!

Oh dear, these alcohol-related jokes never get old! As one user commented, they can only meet when the two have “thyme.” Get it? If you don’t, then you may want to recheck your comedic bone.


We hope this corona found his lime or “Lyme”. If not, our faith in true love may be ruined.

Homeschooling Isn’t All That

You may want to reconsider having kids in your next life. Joking aside, kids can be a handful. They cause you problems you never knew existed. They tend to make you tired before you can finish your morning coffee.


However, to some teachers, these kids are just precious students who need to be taken care of. But after parents spend the whole of 2020 with their kids at home they realized those teachers must have been delusional or lying.

Who Remembers Joe Exotic?

Tiger King is an infamously popular Netflix documentary. Once it was released, it caused quite a stir and debate, with people talking about how the parties involved in the Tiger King story are, well, unusual.


However, who knew that this weird documentary would become the most “normal” part of 2020. We mean, what is weirder than a man creating his own tiger zoo and getting into a gang-like fight with a woman who does the same? A worldwide pandemic is. After the crazy year of 2020, it takes more than Tiger King to surprise us.

What’s the Date?

When the lockdown was going strong, no one knew what day it was. People were not checking their calendars. It has become routine that we wake up, proceed with our working from home, or study at home. During intervals, we eat, nap, drink, and watch TV. 


No wonder people were getting irritated easily back then. There was nothing to do.

The Spice Yodas

If you are a fan of the Star Wars franchise, then you probably know about Baby Yoda. If not, chances are that you’ve seen Baby Yoda on a famous meme circulating the internet. Undeniably, it is a very adorable creature a lot of people loved.


However, since there is a Baby Yoda, fans are expected to see more “Yodas” just like the Spice Girls. Baby Spice, meet Baby Yoda. Hmm, that will be interesting.


This sign is just absolutely true. Who wouldn’t have the same sentiment? I agree with it, and probably so do you. Not many can resist that flavor.

Mexican restaurant in Austin earns fame for funny signs | Daily Mail Online

Rumor has it that this flavor is the number one with customers of El Aroyo.

Not Making an Effort Is Quite Nice

This is so relatable! The benefits of staying at home include the fact that we do not need to wear makeup to look gorgeous or wear those uncomfortable (but attractive) clothes we have. And it is scaring us! Just imagine being so comfortable with your “just got up look,” then suddenly everything is fine again and you have to make an effort.


Or maybe you’re one of the people who can’t stand not getting ready every day. Maybe that daily routine gives you energy and motivation. Our hearts go out to you!

God Bless Dogs

Just imagine separating yourself from your dog. No more cuddles and playtime? In this intentional isolation, dogs are a great comfort. They make us feel loved and happy even with the pandemic. 


But of course, it is not limited to dogs. Cats, rabbits, and other household pets are there to save our gloomy day. And, we love them for it!

How Many Boys Came to the Yard?

Did anyone sing that line in their head? Yeah, crazy how one short line can make your brain sing it immediately. Make sure to keep those nine boys socially distancing from each other. We need to follow the protocols, kids.


Try and limit the number of milkshakes you make, and the number of boys you let in the yard, of course. But don’t worry, soon you will be able to make as many shakes as you want. 

Stop Farting in Public

How true is this? This is so funny because most of us can relate. We keep smiling because it makes people more comfortable with us. However, it is the opposite case when you fart.


Remember that time you were in an elevator? You thought you were letting out a “quiet” gas but ended up being a noisy one. Then, it went silent. You are now uncertain whether people knew it was you. The cringe…

Essential Praise 

El Arroyo has been known for its witty and funny signs. However, the people behind this iconic resto also do not fail to give acknowledgment to people who deserve it. With the current state of our society right now, we cannot help but be concerned. 


So, we salute the people who spend their time keeping us healthy and safe. To those people, you know who you are. You are our heroes. 

Words to Live by

As one person said, “Just avoid everyone.” It is ironic how things change so fast in the span of a year. To your busy buddies out there, make sure to practice social distancing. 


Although this is meant to be humorous, if you know anyone who is “positive,” make sure to send them support and love. You never know how much it will mean to them. 

People Are the Worst

Oh, the irony! It seemed that this one punch line did not age well. But hey! At least the public is not there anymore. If you are on lockdown, you will see one or two people outside your household once in a while.


We can all comfortably wear our pajamas without judgment from anyone. Thank you, delivery people!


Moms to the Rescue 

We know you can relate to this. So, let us go to some interesting facts about El Arroyo. They have been putting fresh signs every day for the past forty years. So, it is no surprise that with witty puns and smashing one-liners, some signs are just bound to anger people. Sadly, that happened back in 2005 when one of El Arroyo’s signs revealed a plot twist in the movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. 



However, even after some backlash, the employees of the restaurant aren’t afraid to stir up some controversy with their quips like “NFL Slogan: Why have integrity when you can have ratings?” Someone suggested in Austin Monthly magazine that El Arroyo’s ‘interesting’ remarks became the reason why someone tried to burn the restaurant down in 1998. It seemed not everyone was enjoying these signs. 



Cookie Monsters

In El Arroyo’s official statement, it provides, “over the years, we’ve covered every food pun imaginable while never forgetting witty commentary on current events, but the face(s) behind the daily marquee messages remains a secret for now.”


Although they rarely do this because most puns are submitted by fans online, they still make sure to throw their own puns from time to time. Also, you may want to try your luck and submit some witty puns to them! 

The Updated School Shopping List

Teachers and parents alike are thinking about this. With the need for school supplies no longer present, they now have disposable income which can be used for something else…


In the end, adults can agree that spending a little bit on booze is better than not. Anyway, we are going to be stuck at home. We need to get ourselves stocked up with our “necessities.”

PJs All Day

But for real though, we all could use some business pajamas! You can look professional, but at the same time, it does not have the restrictive feeling you get from a suit.


The best solution is some classy pajamas masquerading as business clothes. You do not want people on zoom to see your homely PJs when you ended up standing to grab something. 

2020: The Year of Sanitizer 

This sign is totally hilarious and extremely relatable. As soon as we touch something, we start grabbing the alcohol or sanitizer from our bag.


Sanitizing our hands every day is pretty irritating, but at the same time, it keeps us safer. Make sure to keep yourself healthy and make sure to keep your hands clean, kids! 

Nobody Said This Was Easy

Once in a while, we hate being an adult. When we were young all we wanted was to become adults. But once we hit that stage, we realized how “bad” it is. There are a lot of responsibilities we need to handle, which school did not teach us. So, we start looking for answers. 


So overall, the experience can be rated 1 star. But, we give ourselves five stars for going through it and becoming adults. 

Pretty Eyed People, Step up!

This is your moment! Plump lips? Next! Nice nose? Pass. Amazing Eyes? Yes, please! To all the ladies who have been spending too much time and money on their lashes and eyebrows, girl your money’s time is now! 


Do not be afraid to experiment with contact lenses too! However, regardless of how your eyes look, you are still beautiful. Remember that!

Learn How to Drive Please and Thank You

If you are a driver, then most likely, one of your pet peeves is bad drivers. Drivers who barely know the basics and cause traffic on a relative “non-traffic” road. However, being confined in the comforts of our homes for months will definitely affect our driving skills.


So, make sure to be careful when driving. You may be one of those drivers who forgot their driving skills after being on the sofa for weeks.


Do you know anyone who is married? Or, are you currently married? Can you relate to this witty line? Or, do you find it annoying? Anyway, how is married life in this pandemic? Do you think it is still a blessing? Some people hate the idea of spending 24/7 with their partners. Some love it. 


It really depends on what kind of person you are. However, we hope you married peeps are holding on tight to your vows.

We’re All a Bit of a Mess Right Now

As one user commented, “Found my new motto!” And we fully support this. Make sure to live every day with a motto on hand. You never know when will it be useful.


It is a great way to just remind you of something. Or, maybe help you to feel better. If you do not have yet a motto, then this witty line must be for you.

We Wouldn’t Be Surprised 

As we share more about El Arroyo’s witty signs, we also get this opportunity to learn more about them. Laura continued to share that the signs have made an impact on their business. It attracted customers around the world. 



She commented that the most popular signs are usually the ones that are “relatable and funny to large groups of people.” Laura said, “We’ve seen a lot of success with our signs about past elections, and current events such as commentary on the pandemic.” Laura shared an interesting tip for people who wanted to make their posts viral. She said that it takes the right person to share it, like a celebrity or a popular meme account. Of course, it has to be genuinely funny too.

I am a Father Figure

We all have that friend who has a dad bod. But hey! He embraced it and is quite confident with his body. However, make sure to pass this witty line to him. Tell him to use this every time someone points out his dad’s body. Because this one-liner is gold! Anyone would find it hilarious.


However, although loving yourself is great, make sure that you also keep yourself healthy. That is your main priority!

The Future Is Bright

Unfortunately, July of 2020 already passed by. So, this did not age well. It appears we will be reserving this party till next year.


For now, just buy some extra wine and beers for “emergencies.” We definitely miss going out and getting drunk. But, we all know that our main priority right now our health and well-being.

And a 1, and a 2

Get it? If not, make sure to relearn those basics that were taught in the music class. Especially when the teacher shared a very corny joke about a drummer and his twin daughters. 


If you still don’t get it, basically Anna 1, Anna 2 sounds “And a one, and a two.” This phrase is used to signal the start of the performance. Now that we explained, we removed this witty line’s charm.

Hey, Hey – Get Back Here

As we have mentioned earlier, we also need to physically distance ourselves from the fridge. Because if we don’t, the buttons of our jeans will be socially distancing from us. 


Puerto Backyard

Who doesn’t love traveling? It’s such a great way to destress and let your worries temporarily go. However, with the current situation, we have no choice but to travel to the closest place to us: our backyard.


Looks Can Be Deceiving 

Oh my! We have been there. There are these desserts that fully fool us even though we are well experienced with sweet treats. Those pesky raisins that keep appearing on our bread and pastries. And we are all pissed off once we realize it is not chocolate.


Basically, that is 2020. You thought this year would be great. Then bam! What an illusion.

Yes, I’m Still Watching

This is relatable on another level. What makes it worse is seeing the “Are you still watching?” pop-up. And you have no choice but to reach out to the remote to continue watching. 


Oh 2020, what a year! Thank goodness we have online streaming platforms like Netflix. 

PJs All Year?

With our current situation now, this is definitely a dilemma. Should I wear shorts or cut my PJs? PJs are way comfy than shorts. So, it makes anyone contemplate that choice now. Especially once the summer heat started blazing.


Fortunately, such a dilemma had passed as fall already entered the chat. Whew! We can now stick with our PJs and long sleeves. Now, let us all enjoy our cozy cotton clothes!


Since guidelines have been put into place, a lot of gyms are not in operation. Some people may not be able to enter due to the limitations on the number of visitors. So as a workout enthusiast, what is your next big call? 


Well, set up basic exercise tools in your home and, well, work out. But is the constant posting necessary, people? This sign says it all – we’re only curious if it entails bodily injury!

Fast food restaurants are a big deal in the US, and while some make funny signs others are.. not so good. Up next, the worst fast-food restaurants in the US, ranked…

It’s a Dog Eat Dog World

As one user commented, “Lol.” We are not sure whether to cry, laugh, or ignore it. Next time, make sure to keep your dogs happy by walking them for a nice period of time. At the same time, take this opportunity for some exercise


Your body would surely thank you. But, if your dogs keep running out the door, make sure to run out with them.

Relatable Content

Laura, El Arroyo’s social media manager shared that the signs were “first put out by the street in front of the restaurant by our original owner over 25 years ago to promote restaurant specials and write funny quotes.”


However, El Arroyo is not shying away from submissions they get daily from people who have interesting witty one-liners heard. Laura explained that the lines used were picked by the staff to put up in terms of “what makes us laugh and is most applicable to current events.”

Spider Trauma Haunts Us All

Do you hate spiders as much as the next person to you? Would you have the courage to take one out once it appears in your house? And what kind of spider are you afraid of?


If you are from countries where spiders are not that “scary”, then it is not a problem. However, living in a house with a massive spider lurking around in a random corner is scary. Better to just move out and not look back.

Well, Actually 

Here’s one last witty sign to end this epic list. Do you get it? Remember, this is all fun and games, so some of these lines should not be taken out of context against the restaurant. 


If you had fun reading their witty lines, make sure to visit El Arroyo to submit yours. Who knows, maybe your line will be the next big hit! At the same time, make sure to check their menu and try their tasty meal. 


Get it? Because all the students are now attending their classes through zoom. Oh, zoom. Remember the days when the zoom was just an action you make on a camera or video.


Alongside students, a lot of employees are now using zoom to attend meetings and conferences. Most of the time, students are muting their microphones, turning off their cameras, and doing something else while their lecturer babbles on.

Social Distancing

No need to be ashamed. It all started as casual snacking until it became a full-blown meal at 3 am. Your dog is probably staring at you in disgust as you finished the last of the leftovers you have


Although isolating ourselves is a great choice to keep the sickness away, it is not an excuse for you to binge eat. Keep healthy kids

Going Political

El Aroyo is very careful about politics. They don’t want to offend any side of the political map, so when doing politics-themed signs, they go for a lighthearted and funny atmosphere.

El Arroyos Big Book of Signs, Vol 1 — String Theory by Ray Brimble

This sign went viral and was even shown on national TV and almost any other digital outlet. It’s such an amusing wordplay, we loved it

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