
Thanks For 20 Years Of Giving

by Don Mooney

For 20-years founder of Opening Doors For Women In Need Dr.Sandra Stanley has been a beacon of hope and service in the Lake Como Community. Not only serving women transitioning from prison but bestowing genuine spiritual care and hope regardless of gender. photo by Don Mooney

Fort Worth, Texas—Tis a season of thanksgiving. In that spirit the underserved, historic neighborhood of Lake Como has something special to be thankful for. 20-years of thankfulness to be exact. 2023 marks the 20th year the doors for Opening Doors For Women In Need (ODWIN) have been opened. Serving not just as an institution to help women in need, but serving many of the auxiliary needs of the community under the guidance and leadership of Dr. Sandra Stanley.

An excited Dr. Stanley during grand opening of Nehemiah Project building addresses audience.
photo by Don Mooney


In many cases non-profits such as ODWIN are a direct result of first-hand experience or some cursory experience of the project. For Dr. Stanley’s background is far from having any criminal association. a deep dive into Dr. Stanley’s may reveal, a best, a parking ticket. Listening to Dr. Stanley she came from a background quite the opposite. She models her mothers examples of helping others as the root of ODWIN. “I started feeling guilty. I started feeling bad that I wasn’t doing any Kingdom work-building for God. Because that’s the way I was brought up. I was kinda doing me. I was selfish. I was into my own career and doing Sandra Stanley,” she say.

Dr. Stanley recounts her time as a member of the Potters House in Dallas, She heard a sermon by renowned Bishop TD Jakes she recalls entitled, “Stirring Up The GIfts.” “It was really impacting to me, Reache me and touched me while reading Purpose Driven Life at the time, beams Stanley.

As fate would have it the Potters House had a prison ministry and they needed people that didn’t have a background according to Dr. Stanley and she got involved. Time spent at Carswell Federal Prison where Dr. Stanley came in contact with incarcerated females she heard the tear-jerking stories first hand of the ladies having nowhere to go. Twenty years later here we are.

Early Graduation class complete with cap and gowns. photo by Don Mooney

Harvest Is Plenty

Dr. Stanley admits years later she didn’t know what she was doing. “I had not been to prison. I had not any addictions, adds Stanley. Yet here she is, dealing with a population who may, for better or worse, not have the same conviction. “I didn’t know what I was doing. I had not have a clue, admits Stanley. Dr. Stanley does credit and ex-military lady whom she met a Carswell who had done it before gave her some initial guidance. “Stanley says. “[Linda], she taught me some things. I took the things that were good. And I took the things that she taught me. I said these are the good things and the things I didn’t like I said I will never do these. states Stanley

Computer class instructor Frank Thomas addressing students. photo by Don Mooney

Needs-Based Ministry “The ladies were my teachers!” Dr. Stanley

ODWIN is indeed truly faith-based! No previous first-hand history. No self-identification. Yet launching an program, specifically identifying a growing social niche…requires a great deal of faith. But Dr. Stanley had applied wisdom along with her faith to let the ladies, initially, be her guide, “The women were my teachers,” cheers Stanley. “So every program we developed we developed out of a need, The clothes closet, the food needs, even going down to Tarrant County Food Bank. Then signing up for bus passes cause the ladies needed bus passes.” Doing computer classes at the house the ladies needed computer classes to fill out job applications. One lady whom had served 20-years didn’t even know how to use a phone. Every program was developed out of a need. The ladies were my teachers! I didn’t know what I was doing, but I listened.”

Early food bank days at ODWIN original location on the corner of Horne St and Houghton. photo by Don Mooney

Making An Impact

The organic nature of ODWIN extends beyond the immediate needs of those officially enrolled in the prison ministry. The impact of what the organizations goals have in some cases included men, women and children throughout the Lake Como community. Like a spinoff of a hit television show ODWIN’s programs such as compputer classes are not gender specific. The food bank and clothes closet are available to members in the community prescribed basis. Then of course there is the Como Community Garden that serves as a opportunity hub for volunteers from local churches, universities, sororities and fraternities. For somw the Como Community Garden serves as a place of solace and reflection. A place of comfort and peace.

At times a meeting place, the Como Community Garden serves a a place of solace and comfort. photo by Don Mooney

All in all over the last 20-years the growth of ODWIN has had a galvanizing affect on Lake Como. Many churches and civic organizations have forged alliances for annual events. Particular pointed property meetings during the land fracking period as well as the home-building boom that replaced many of the vacant properties in Lake Como with new homes.


Paramount with any successful non-profit is the ability to raise funds. Some of the ODWIN fundraising events have achieved legendary status. The annual Medicine Cup Golf Tournament was a save-the-date event not only for golfers but also for those who just wanted to be seen. The iconic Social Workers Fashion Shows & Luncheon at the Ridglea Country Club and Dancing With the Doc’s were memorable events that demonstrated the magnetic power of ODWIN to engage a large portion of the good-hearted caring people of DFW.

Leon Polk representing County Commissioner Brooks office presents ODWIN with proclamation. photo by Don Mooney

To celebrate ODWIN’s 20 year tenure Dr. Stanley and her team invited the public to a gospel concert at the I.M. Terrell Performing Arts Academy. Hosted by WFAA-channel 8’s Scoop Jackson the concert provided a signature mix of gospel talent. Some well-known, some up and coming artist Dr. Stanley provided a platform. The concert offered what one can expect when you encounter ODWIN, a faith-based organization from beginning to new Nehemiah beginnings. This holiday season Ft. Worth, not just Lake Como, can add ODWIN to their thank you list for the first 20-years as the story continues.


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